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Only One More Follower Until The Game play Video.

Cool! 👍



Welcome back to the pizzeria we are very happy to have you here we hope you receive a warm welcome here you can build your own pizzeria you will have access to many things you can even acquire and buy what you want, see stories and find many files...but don't search too much or else he will avoid it.


You didn't think this would be so easy, did you? well you will have to complete a few tasks in your office but be careful as you will not be alone make sure you finish quickly for your own good.


Here you can see what would have happened if "Pizza Panic" and "S.P.S" had gotten together so this time you will have the Sonic's Pizzeria detectors, the Pizza Panic cameras and mechanics, 16 characters that will attack you, better graphics in mini-games and much more more in your new shopping catalog.


Main Artist and Director:@Virus65

Concept Artist: @DAawsomeMIMIC_1213

Poster Artist:@SwaggerGuy

Concept Artist:@WrapaTAD

Coder: @VanillaLatte_

Encoder: Vacant

Composer: @Vanillalatte_

Beta tester: @SStatic

Beta tester: Vacancy

Beta tester: Vacancy

S.P.S. by @babsicootgames Nintendo Mario Characters Sega sound characters. Fnas by @TheCyVap_TC Fnaf by Scott Cawthon If anyone is interested, send me a DM through gamejolt or discord (X-virus#2801) and well that's all for now #fangame #horror #fnaf #survival #strategy

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Comical Shenanigans



Nueva miniatura para el juego :D

Se me acaba de ocurrir algo qué les parece si de cualquier de sus juegos agregó algún decorativo como un póster,vaso, atracción o lo que sea qué les parecería:)

Bueno ya pues necesito ayuda con lo siguiente para el fangame

Devlog de Anunciación (o cómo se diga xD)